
At Grace UCC we share the good news and practice God's love for the world. Our faith compels us to struggle, as Jesus did, for a world where peace and justice reign. We are called to be in solidarity with our neighbors, especially the poor, sick, lonely, and forgotten among us.

​We're proud to be an Open and Affirming congregation of the UCC!

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Worship with Us

We gather for worship in person, by Facebook and by conference call at 10 am on Sundays. 

You view our Facebook page here, or call the church office at 314-481-5700 for the conference call phone number.

We practice Open Communion at Christ’s table.

Our worship looks a little bit different every week, but there's always music, prayer, scripture, and conversation. We want to engage our minds, hearts, and bodies in worship.

This week’s service:

We offer various activities like Scouts.

"No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.”

Grace UCC is a part of the nationwide affiliations of more than 5,100 churches that make up the United Church of Christ. For more information, please visit the denomination website here.